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Sanketi BD, Mantri M, Huang L, Tavallaei MA, Hu S, Wang MFZ, De Vlaminck I, Kurpios NA. Villus myofibroblasts are developmental and adult progenitors of mammalian gut lymphatic musculature. Dev Cell. 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.03.005

Demler C, Lawlor JC, Yelin R, Llivichuzcha-Loja D, Shaulov L, Kim D, Stewart M, Lee F, Schultheiss T, Kurpios NA. An atypical basement membrane forms a midline barrier in left-right asymmetric gut development eLife. 2023. doi: 10.7554/eLife.89494.1

Sanketi BD, Sivakumar A, Kurpios NA. Visualizing and manipulating the production and accumulation of hyaluronan for functional assessment in chicken embryos. STAR Protoc. 2023 Mar 28;4(2):102200. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102200.

Sanketi BD, Mantri M, Tavallaei MA, Hu S, Wang MFZ, De Vlaminck I, Kurpios NA. Spatiotemporal reconstruction of the origin and assembly of smooth muscles in the intestinal villus. bioRxiv. 2023 doi: 10.1101/2023.01.19.523242.

Sanketi BD, Zuela-Sopilniak N, Bundschuh E, Gopal S, Hu S, Long J, Lammerding J, Hopyan S, Kurpios NA. Pitx2 patterns an accelerator-brake mechanical feedback through latent TGFβ to rotate the gut. Science. 2022 Sep 23;377(6613):eabl3921. doi: 10.1126/science.abl3921.

Hu S, Mahadevan A, Elysee IF, Choi J, Souchet NR, Bae GH, Taboada AK, Sanketi B, Duhamel GE, Sevier CS, Tao G, Kurpios NA. The asymmetric Pitx2 gene regulates gut muscular-lacteal development and protects against fatty liver disease. Cell Rep. 2021 Nov 23;37(8):110030. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110030. **Cover article**

Shanahan MT, Kanke M, Oyesola OO, Hung YH, Koch-Laskowski K, Singh AP, Peck BCE, Biraud M, Sheahan B, Cortes JE, Gong H, Sahoo DK, Cubitt R, Kurpios NA, Mochel JP, Allenspach K, McElroy SJ, Ding S, von Moltke J, Dekaney CM, Tait-Wojno ED, Sethupathy P. Multiomic analysis defines the first microRNA atlas across all small intestinal epithelial lineages and reveals novel markers of almost all major cell types. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Dec 1;321(6):G668-G681. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00222.2021. Epub 2021 Oct 13.

Funk EC, Breen C, Sanketi BD, Kurpios N, McCune A. Changes in Nkx2.1, Sox2, Bmp4, and Bmp16 expression underlying the lung-to-gas bladder evolutionary transition in ray-finned fishes. Evol Dev. 2020 Sep;22(5):384-402. doi: 10.1111/ede.12354.

Singh AP, Hung YH, Shanahan MT, Kanke M, Bonfini A, Dame MK, Biraud M, Peck BCE, Oyesola OO, Freund JM, Cubitt RL, Curry EG, Gonzalez LM, Bewick GA, Tait-Wojno ED, Kurpios NA, Ding S, Spence JR, Dekaney CM, Buchon N, Sethupathy P.
Enteroendocrine Progenitor Cell-Enriched miR-7 Regulates Intestinal Epithelial Proliferation in an Xiap-Dependent Manner. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;9(3):447-464. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2019.11.001. Epub 2019 Nov 19.

Hu S, Kurpios NA. (2020) Coronary Arteries Shake Up Developmental Dogma. Dev Cell. 2018 Dec 17;47(6):680-681. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.11.044.

Sivakumar A, Mahadevan A, Lauer ME, Narvaez RJ, Ramesh S, Demler CM, Souchet NR, Hascall VC, Midura RJ, Garantziotis S, Frank DB, Kimata K, Kurpios NA. (2018) Midgut Laterality Is Driven by Hyaluronan on the Right. Dev Cell. 2018 Aug 28. pii: S1534-5807(18)30638-5. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.08.002. **Cover article**

Preview commentary: Hamada, H. (2018) Hyaluronan Works on the Right for Directional Gut Looping. Dev Cell. DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.08.018.
Highlight article: Why the developing gut does the twist. Nature (2018) Aug 30.

Sivakumar A, Kurpios NA. (2018) Transcriptional regulation of cell shape during organ morphogenesis. J Cell Biol. 2018 Sep 3;217(9):2987-3005. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201612115.

Malatos JM, Kurpios NA, Duhamel GE. (2018) Small Intestinal Lymphatic Hypoplasia in Three Dogs with Clinical Signs of Protein-losing Enteropathy. J Comp Pathol. 2018 Apr;160:39-49. doi: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2018.02.005.

Sheng G, Kurpios NA. (2016) Morphogenesis: Eternal truth or ephemeral beauty. Dev Dyn. 2016 Mar;245(3):189. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24381.

Welsh IC, Kwak H, Chen FL, Werner M, Shopland LS, Danko CG, Lis JT, Zhang M, Martin JF, Kurpios NA. (2015) Chromatin Architecture of the Pitx2 Locus Requires CTCF- and Pitx2-Dependent Asymmetry that Mirrors Embryonic Gut Laterality. Cell Rep. 2015 Oct 13;13(2):337-49 **Cover article**

MahadevanA, Welsh IC, Sivakumar A, Gludish DW, Shilvock AR, Noden DM, Huss D, Lansford R,Kurpios NA (2014) The left-right pitx2 pathway drives organ-specific arterial and lymphatic development in the intestine. Dev Cell. 2014 Dec 22;31(6):690-706. **Cover article**

In this article, we describe a dual origin of gut lymphatics in avian and mammalian embryos. We find that Pitx2 drives an organ-specific patterning program sufficient to induce arteriogenesis and lymphangiognesis on the left side of the devloping gut. Our results suggest a non-venous origin of gut lymphatic vasculature in the dorsal mesentery of the vertebrate intestine. Read more about the article here.

Welsh IC, Thomsen M, Gludish DW, Alfonso-Parra C, Bai Y, Martin JF, Kurpios NA (2013) Integration of left-right Pitx2 transcription and Wnt signaling drives asymmetric gut morphogenesis via Daam2. Dev Cell. Sep 30;26(6):629-44. **Cover article**

Preview commentary: Klezovitch O, Vasioukhin V. (2013) Your gut is right to turn left. Dev Cell. Sep 30;26(6):553-4

Kurpios NA, Girgis-Gabardo A, Hallett RM, Rogers S, Gludish DW, Kockeritz L, Woodgett J, Cardiff R, Hassell JA. (2013) Single unpurified breast tumor-initiating cells from multiple mouse models efficiently elicit tumors in immune-competent hosts. PLoS One. 8(3):e58151
Savin T*, Kurpios NA*, Shyer AE*, Florescu P, Liang H, Mahadevan L, and Tabin CJ. (2011) On the growth and form of the gut. Nature. Aug 3;476(7358):57-62
Kurpios, N.A., MacNeil, L., Shepherd, T.G., Gludish, D.W., Giacomelli, A.O., and Hassell, J.A. (2009) The Pea3 Ets transcription factor regulates differentiation of multipotent progenitor cells during mammary gland development. Dev. Biol. 325(1):106-121
Kurpios, N.A.*, Ibañes, M.*, Davis, N.M., Lui, W., Katz, T., Martin, J.F., Izpisúa Belmonte, J.C., and Tabin, C.J. (2008) The direction of gut looping is established by changes in the extracellular matrix and in cell:cell adhesion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 105(25):8499-8506. **Cover article**

Davis, N.M, Kurpios, N.A., Sun, X, Gros, J, Martin, J.F, and Tabin, C.J. (2008) The chirality of gut rotation derives from left-right asymmetric changes in the architecture of the dorsal mesentery. Dev. Cell 15(1):134-145.
Youn, B.S., Sen, A., Kallos, M.S., Behie, L.A., Girgis-Gabardo, A., Kurpios, N., Barcelon, M., and Hassell, J.A. (2005) Large-scale expansion of mammary epithelial stem cell aggregates in suspension bioreactors. Biotechnol. Prog. 21(3):984-993.
Chen, C., Ouyang, W., Grigura, V., Zhou, Q., Carnes, K., Lim, H., Zhao, G.Q., Arber, S., Kurpios, N., Murphy, T.L., Cheng, A.M., Hassell, J.A., Chandrashekar, V., Hofmann, M.C., Hess, R.A., and Murphy, K.M. (2005) ERM is required for transcriptional control of the spermatogonial stem cell niche. Nature 436(7053):1030-1034.
Hesselbrock, D.R., Kurpios N., Hassell, J.A., Watson, M.A., and Fleming, T.P. (2005) PEA3, AP-1, and unique repetitive sequence all are involved in transcriptional regulation of the breast cancer-associated gene, mammaglobin. Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 89(3):289-296.
White, D.E., Kurpios, N.A., Zuo, D., Hassell, J.A., Blaess, S., Mueller, U., and Muller, W.J. (2004) Targeted disruption of beta-1-integrin in a transgenic mouse model of human breast cancer reveals an essential role in mammary tumor induction. ancer Cell 6(2):159-170.
Kurpios, N.A., Sabolic, N.S., Shepherd, T.G., Fidalgo, G.M., and Hassell, J.A. (2003) Function of PEA3 Ets transcription factors in mammary gland development and oncogenesis. J. Mam. Gland Biol. Neoplasia. 8(2):177-190.
Crawford, H.C., Fingleton, B., Gustavson, M.D., Kurpios, N., Wagenaar, R.A., Hassell J.A., and Matrisian L.M. (2001) The PEA3 subfamily of Ets transcription factors synergizes with beta-catenin/LEF-1 to activate matrilysin transcription in intestinal tumours. Mol. Cell Biol. 21(4):1370-1383.